Our Official Launch!

The Official Launch and Ribbon Cutting was held on Friday, April 21st  and was a success.  Thanks to all the Board Members that helped and attended.  Special thanks to the Marketing Committee for all their hard work.

Thanks to Josh Nordstrom for coordinating a $1,000 donation for Courtesy Chevrolet at our Launch.

Thank you to our other Launch Sponsors:

  • The Iron Horse
  • Chick Fil A
  • Cake Art


Match meetings are being scheduled

  • We had a match activity on April 19th at Pickering Creek in Easton. Children and matches enjoyed a guided canoeing tour.  We made a new match from Caroline County.  They broke the ice of getting to know one another by falling into the water.  Nobody was hurt and they laughed about it, but the tour guide said it was the first time it had ever happened since she had been there.
  • We have two youth enrichment activities scheduled for Kent County this summer.


Bowl for Kids’ Sake – Presented by Delmarva Power and PNC

  • The OC BFKS was held on Sunday, April 23rd and was sold out! Special thanks to Allyson for getting teams together and Cliff for coming out to help!  As always OC Lanes donated the space and Pizza Tugos donated the food. The Berlin-Optimist Club and the Elks were other major contributors.
  • The Salisbury BFKS was held Tuesday, May 2nd. Special thanks to Josh for helping MC and the Allen and Foltz families for putting in teams.  Major contributors included Courtesy of Salisbury, Atlantic/Smith, Cropper & Deeley.  The SU Marketing Team secured some in kind donation for the event and took pictures for us.