by Troy Mawyer
I met this little dude, Thomas, about ten years ago when I was matched as his mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. I was nervous and full of doubt as to what my influence on this fine young man would turn out to be.
This STRONG young man has taught me more in ten years than any one experience that I can think of right now. When we met he was the older sibling in a single mother home. A few years later, about a week before he was to start his Freshman year at Snow Hill High School he discovered his mother had died of a heart attack in her sleep.
Fast forward to today, I am so proud to be able to watch him walk across the stage to get his diploma. His future is so bright that I have to wear shades. He is an inspiration to all who know him. As the Big Brother Program goes, by any definition, he would qualify as an “at-risk” boy. Not only will he graduate with honors but he will be attending Salisbury University on a full scholarship.
If you’ve read this far don’t stop now you know what’s coming…
I know so many great men and women who have so much to give. You might be thinking you don’t have anything to offer. Let me tell you, these kids are so special and for some all they need is to develop a friendship so that they have someone to call when something goes wrong or when they get the news that they have been accepted to legal interns or the varsity soccer team or a leading role in the school play. I promise you that you can make a difference. What you may not know is that a young mind can leave its print on you in the most awesome and everlasting way. Thank you and congratulations Thomas!!!
I encourage you to consider contacting the Big Brothers and Sisters organization to see how much an afternoon or two a month can impact a young life and help you grow!