National Mentoring Month
Last month was National Mentoring Month. We took time to focus on the importance of mentoring and reflect on the incredible growth of the mentoring movement; to recognize the real life mentoring relationships that form and thrive each day; and offer opportunities to thank the mentors who inspired us. Mentors and Mentees from all over expressed their gratitude for each other! Locally, many Eastern Shore counties recognized National Mentoring Month by presenting proclamations in which they identified the usefulness of growing up with a mentor and the presented a call of action. Everyone emphasized the critical need for mentors in all of our communities. It’s no secret. MENTORING WORKS! Young adults who have had a mentor are 76% more likely to enroll in post-secondary education than those who lacked support. Get in touch with us to start transforming your community today!
American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month and also the home of Valentine’s Day…no coincidence there. Wouldn’t it do your heart good to help someone else? Show some love to your favorite non-profit…Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore (Forgive me for the shameless plug). Big Brothers Big Sisters receives 75% of our funding from private donations. Support, from individuals like you, is vital to provide mentors for children in your community. And we know they need them. It isn’t easy being a kid these days. In these complex and confusing times, children need a caring adult to be a mentor and a friend – someone they can talk to, have fun with, and learn from. Or donate your time! Every child needs someone they can look up to. Trying to do great things is difficult. Trying to do them alone is, more often than not, impossible. That’s why all great leaders have mentors, and also mentor others. Maybe you are a pilot and Little Johnny or Jane wants to be a pilot, but no one in their family knows anything about it. You would be a great Big Brother or Sister for them. Think of all the things you could experience together…the sky’s the limit (…you see what I did there?)! Now, go forth and do something BIG!