This summer, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore (BBBSES) embarked on our Big Moments campaign, with an ambitious goal of creating 50 new matches by the end of September. This campaign also came with a challenge to our new and current matches; a challenge to have the most meaningful, fun-filled summer possible! To accomplish this, we provided our matches with a Summer Scavenger Hunt. For every activity that a match completes, they earn a point, and the match with the most points at the end wins a prize!
Since beginning this campaign on July 1st, we are pleased to announce that we have had 35 adults inquire about mentorship opportunities, which has the potential to create a lot of new matches throughout the nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. We have also attracted the attention of multiple community organizations, who have requested information sessions from our agency.
With just under a month left of this campaign, BBBSES is hopeful that we will reach our goals, and we are excited to see who will win our Big Moments challenge. We would like to thank everyone who has participated so far, and we look forward to seeing what the end of the summer brings!